Rudolph Muhammad
Wings of Fate 17:13
And for every human being We have adhered and made manifest the unveiling of his life's actions to him at the time of returning to Life,...
Mustafaa Islam
Right Behavior - The Qur'an Leads the Way 17:13
And We made each man's portion, from the benefit or the harm, a clinging on his neck, and We will carry out and We will make apparent to...
Jihad Abdus Salaam
Actions by Intentions 17:13 (deeds)
And We have made every soul's actions, good or bad, fastened as a slave to the responsibility that rests on its own shoulders. And on the...
Sameehah Al-Amin
Acts and Fate 17:13
And We have made every soul's actions, good or bad, fastened as a slave to the responsibility that rests on its own shoulders. And on the...
Hammad Mahdi
Be Conscious of Our Deeds 17:13
And to every human being We have appointed and closely connected his destiny from the good or bad. And how the responsibility was handled...
Alfonso Saahir
Take Control of Your Life 17:13
We made it inherent that every man should be observant, for his destiny lies upon his own shoulders. This will become apparent and clear...