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  • Ann C. Saunders

A Call to Actions, Behaviors and Belief Through Metaphors and Examples 3:103

And you all together, hold firmly to the freeing cable of Allah: A liberating cable which frees by way of ideals which access an uninterrupted, integral whole, and by way of the Qur’an and what is included in its laws and stipulations.

And so, as mutual supporters do not unravel, or separate into factions, or be of a different mind.

And you!… Stand in gratitude, calling to mind Allah’s beneficence… the good obligation on you.

When you were hated, and too you had hatred for others, wanting evil,… then altogether, He made love between your hearts. By His beneficence,… you became good neighbors.

And too, you were on the edge of a pit, where soil had been removed, a fiery pit of the fallen, and He rescued you from it!

The cable is a metaphor for an intertwining and binding of souls; souls bound by a willingness to respond to the command to serve as intertwined threads of unity and strength. This is a cable which heals and liberates through our demonstration of holding fast by virtue of trust and faith. Important to understanding the significance of this metaphor is the idea of a common unity (community). This is not an individual effort. It requires a community, or social order of mutual support and effort, to follow the guidance, at one and the same time.

Our trust and faith in Allah, through His guidance and signs, as the authority, is the critical success factors to our survival, evolution, and our sense of everlasting security as a humanity. And too, the demonstration of our trust and faith through our actions and behaviors are critical. We are guided to those actions and behaviors through the Qur’an. Our sincere good efforts and actions towards our fellow human beings reflect the idea of holding firmly to the cable. Our hearts, minds, and actions, are commanded to engage as one soul, one social order in the remembrance of Allah with gratitude, and love.


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