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The Enlightened Mortal Man 3:39

Patricia Ni’ma-Mohammed

The Angels faced and spoke to him as he was standing in the presence of Allah praying in a room in front of his place of worship. They said: Allah is informing you with news that will please you, that you will be blessed with a child. His name will be John. He acknowledges truth and evidence of a word from Allah--it is Jesus, son of Mary (Upon him be peace.) He is superior in religion, intelligence, and character. Allah chose him as his servant and inspired him of his laws. He will be a leader among his people with position and a high station. He abstains from lewdness and is chaste and does not commit sins or has harmful desires. He is a prophet from the righteous who has reached his peak in righteousness. John is a testimony to what G-d wants as he demonstrates what a social, intelligent, and moral community would look like. One that is established with governance to protect the good life. Finally, we would do well to develop our life so that it is dead to what will make us fall, yet alive to what brings us up.

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