The Best Judgement 3:39
The Angels turned their faces to him in speech as he was standing performing the prayer before Allah, in the foremost compartment of the place of worship, “Surely Allah is notifying you of a knowledge that will be uplifting and gratifying in that you will be blessed with a child. His name is John, he will acknowledge the truth and reality of the word of G-d, which is Jesus the son of Mary peace be upon him. He lives a noble life amongst his people and superior in religion, understanding and character. For him is the position of elevated rank. He will detain himself from women and desires and will not become sinful. He will be chosen by Allah from his servants and inspired in the law from the prescribed laws. He will be a prophet alike those who have reached his peak in excellence.”
The person who turns to the word of God for instruction in what he sees and hears will be able to decipher the true reality from the influence of man, as well as differentiate the human nature from that of the animal, qualifying him to have the best judgement.
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