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Family Matters 2:228

Hakeem Love

And the divorced women who possess the menses, it is necessary that they remain and wait without marriage after the divorce for three cleanings or three menses by way of the cycle. This is in order to make sure that the womb is empty of pregnancy. And it is not permissible or allowed for them to marry another man during this cycle until it ends.

And it is not lawful for them that they hide and keep secret what Allah produces and brings out unlike anything similar in the place of the fetus from pregnancy or menses, if they obey and trust in Allah and the Day of Standing.

G-d shows in this verse that women should have patience and not hide what is within the womb. Addressing what is seen in society today, when the woman is absent from the home, mercy is absent from the home. Negative behavior, crime, and acts of bloodshed can be attributed to the absence a woman in the home.

Indeed G-d has decreed the marriage life as the best life, and even after complaining, a well-read woman who trusts and obeys G-d will always give the nourishment and enlightenment to the family that is needed for the child to grow and develop.

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